:Base Imsicap.hlp :Title IMSI Capture :Index IMSI Capture PreView=Preview.hlp :Index Web Capture=Webcap.hlp :Link Preview.hlp :Link Webcap.hlp 1 Welcome to IMSI Capture 2 Welcome to IMSI Capture=IDH_TYPE0>main 2 What is IMSI Capture?=What_is_IMSI_Capture>main 2 Using Context-Sensitive Help=Using_Context-Sensitive_Help 1 Capturing a Single Image 2 Capturing a single image=Capturing_a_single_image>main 2 Capturing an Entire Screen=Capturing_an_Entire_Screen>second 2 Capturing a Window=Capturing_a_Window>second 2 Capturing an Area=Capturing_an_Area>second 1 Using Automatic Capture 2 Using Automatic Capture=Using_Automatic_Capture>main 2 Automatically Capturing Entire Screens=Automatically_Capturing_Entire_Screens>second 2 Automatically Capturing a Window=Automatically_Capturing_a_Window>second 2 Automatically Capturing an Area=Automatically_Capturing_an_Area>second 1 Capturing Motion 2 Capturing motion=Capturing_motion>main 2 Creating an AVI File from a Screen=Creating_an_AVI_file_from_a_Screen>second 2 Creating an AVI File from a Window=Creating_an_AVI_File_from_a_Window>second 2 Creating an AVI File from an Area=Creating_an_AVI_File_from_an_Area>second 1 Capturing a Web Site 2 Capturing a web site=Capturing_a_web_site>second 2 Setting the Link Depth=Setting_the_Link_Depth>second 2 Specifying the Scope of the Web Capture=Specifying_the_Scope_of_the_Web_Capture>second 2 Applying Filters to the Web Capture 3 Applying Filters to the Web Capture=Applying_Filters_to_the_Web_Capture>main 3 Filter settings - Media Types=IDH_TYPE7 3 Filter settings - URLs of WWW sites=IDH_TYPE8 3 Filter settings - Context=IDH_TYPE9 2 Viewing a Captured Web Site 3 Viewing a Captured Web Site=Viewing_a_Captured_Web_Site 1 IMSI Capture Setup Options 2 Setup Options: Overview=Setup_Options:_Overview 2 Settings for Single Image Capture=Settings_for_Single_Image_Capture>second 2 Settings for Automatic Capture=Settings_for_Automatic_Capture>second 2 Settings for Motion Capture=Settings_for_Motion_Capture>second 2 Settings for Web Capture=Settings_for_Web_Capture>second 2 Other Options=Other_Options>second 1 Using the IMSI Capture Control Center 2 Using the IMSI Capture Control Center=Using_the_IMSI_Capture_Control_Center 1 Technical Support 2 Technical Support=Technical_Support